Posted by: plum99 | November 3, 2010

Art Activity – Soil Diorama

This art activity is a celebration of the earth’s crust…otherwise known as dirt!

There are more layers and complexity to the uppermost section of the earth than we give it credit for, and it would be a great activity to research the different layers (hint: bedrock, regolith, subsoil and organic) and how they formed.  But if you don’t have time for that, the simple art activity of creating a diorama in a box lid is fun anyway!

You will need coloured Dough Worx (we recommend red, blue, yellow & green), matchstix, pom poms, scatters, sequin stars and pva glue. 
You can make the diorama in a shoe box or other small box lid, or use the Colorific Cereal Card Boxes and cut them open on one side – students can then write information about the different layers on the hinged box side to inform viewers of the layers and their role in stabilizing the ground we walk on.

Enjoy…and we would love to see some photos, post them either here or on our facebook page the results are sure to be dimensional, bright and fun!

Simply click the link to download the PDF instructions to the  Colorific Dirty Diorama Activity.

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